
Module v1



  • Nested message and enum types in ApiError.


  • ApiError is a message representing a standardized error response format. It contains a list of individual errors, a trace identifier, and a status code.
  • FieldOpenAPI is a message used to annotate fields within gRPC message types with additional OpenAPI-specific metadata. This includes field descriptions, examples, validation patterns, length constraints, and other properties.
  • MessageOpenAPI is a message used to annotate gRPC message types with additional OpenAPI-specific metadata, such as description and whether the message is a REST resource.
  • MethodOpenAPI is a message used to annotate gRPC methods with additional OpenAPI-specific metadata. This includes whether the method operates on a REST resource, its description, request schema, error responses, and the index of the HTTP rule where endpoints is defined.
  • ServiceOpenAPI is a message used to annotate gRPC services with additional OpenAPI-specific metadata. This includes service description, version, and and error model full qualified name.