OpenTelemetry for AWS ECS-Fargate
Additional Requirements:
- AWS Account
- Intermediate to Advanced skill with ECS-Fargate
- Sufficient permissions to configure AWS
Step 1 - Setup
Clone repo:
git clone
Step 2 - Change to workshop dir
Change to the proper directory for workshop example:
cd ./workshops/workshops/otel/ecs-fargate
Step 3: Prep Requirements and deploy script
Study Coralogix OpenTelemetry ECS Fargate Example
Update the
script with your API key and Coralogix Region
Notice the environment variables in the container definition- ECS Fargate uses a localhost
network space for sending traces
Step 4: Deploy Cloudformation to set up Fargate components
Step 5: Launch Task
Launch according to your standard procedure
Ensure the security group can allow for port 5000 requests
The task creates the following containers:
- Coralogix Python autogenerator
- OpenTelemetry Collector
The microservice container create a Python HTTP client and server that will generate spans and logs and send to Coralogix