
package model

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. model
  2. Syntax
  3. Syntax
  4. AnyRef
  5. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class Added[T](item: T)(implicit evidence$1: K8sObject[T]) extends TypedWatchEvent[T] with Product with Serializable

    Resource added

    Resource added


    Watched resource type


    new object that has been added

  2. final case class Deleted[T](item: T)(implicit evidence$3: K8sObject[T]) extends TypedWatchEvent[T] with Product with Serializable

    Resource has been deleted

    Resource has been deleted


    Watched resource type


    the deleted object

  3. sealed trait FieldSelector extends AnyRef

    A composable field selector

    A composable field selector

    Every Kubernetes model's companion object contain a set of Field definitions. To construct FieldSelector values for queries, use these Field values and the operators defined on them.

    Note that a very small subset of the fields is actually usable as field seletors, but there is no compile-time information about which one of them are. For this reason we provide a Field for each available field and it is the developer's responsibility to only use supported fields in field selectors, or handle the errors returned by the Kubernetes server.

  4. trait Field extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  5. case class K8sCluster(host: Uri, applyToken: Option[(RequestT[Empty, Either[String, String], Any]) ⇒ RequestT[Empty, Either[String, String], Any]]) extends Product with Serializable

    Data type describing a configured Kuberntes cluster

    Data type describing a configured Kuberntes cluster


    Host to connect to


    Function to apply an authentication token to the HTTP request

  6. final case class K8sCreatorUri(resource: K8sResourceType, namespace: Option[K8sNamespace], dryRun: Boolean) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  7. final case class K8sDeletingManyUri(resource: K8sResourceType, namespace: Option[K8sNamespace], dryRun: Boolean, gracePeriod: Option[zio.Duration], propagationPolicy: Option[PropagationPolicy], fieldSelector: Option[FieldSelector], labelSelector: Option[LabelSelector]) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  8. final case class K8sDeletingUri(resource: K8sResourceType, name: String, subresource: Option[String], namespace: Option[K8sNamespace], dryRun: Boolean, gracePeriod: Option[zio.Duration], propagationPolicy: Option[PropagationPolicy]) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  9. final case class K8sModifierUri(resource: K8sResourceType, name: String, subresource: Option[String], namespace: Option[K8sNamespace], dryRun: Boolean) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  10. final case class K8sNamespace(value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    A Kubernetes namespace

  11. trait K8sObject[T] extends AnyRef

    Common operations for every Kubernetes resource's object

    Common operations for every Kubernetes resource's object


    Kubernetes resource type

  12. trait K8sObjectOps[T] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods for Kubernetes resources

    Extension methods for Kubernetes resources

    This is a common implementation for all the implicit classes providing extension methods for the generated Kuberentes model types. The extension methods are just delegating the calls to the resource's K8sObject implementation.


    Resource type to be extended

  13. trait K8sObjectStatus[ResourceT, StatusT] extends AnyRef

    Common operations for every Kubernetes resource type supporting status subresources.

    Common operations for every Kubernetes resource type supporting status subresources.


    Resource type


    Subresource type

  14. trait K8sObjectStatusOps[ResourceT, StatusT] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods for Kubernetes resources with status subresource support

    Extension methods for Kubernetes resources with status subresource support

    This is a common implementation for all the implicit classes providing extension methods for the generated Kuberentes model types. The extension methods are just delegating the calls to the resource's K8sObjectStatus implementation.


    Resource type to be extended


    Status subresource type

  15. final case class K8sPaginatedUri(resource: K8sResourceType, namespace: Option[K8sNamespace], limit: Int, continueToken: Option[String], fieldSelector: Option[FieldSelector] = None, labelSelector: Option[LabelSelector] = None, resourceVersion: ListResourceVersion = ListResourceVersion.MostRecent) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  16. case class K8sResourceType(resourceType: String, group: String, version: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Metadata identifying a Kubernetes resource

    Metadata identifying a Kubernetes resource


    Resource type (kind)





  17. final case class K8sSimpleUri(resource: K8sResourceType, name: Option[String], subresource: Option[String], namespace: Option[K8sNamespace]) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  18. sealed trait K8sUri extends AnyRef

    Kubernetes API URI

  19. final case class K8sWatchUri(resource: K8sResourceType, namespace: Option[K8sNamespace], resourceVersion: Option[String], allowBookmarks: Boolean, fieldSelector: Option[FieldSelector] = None, labelSelector: Option[LabelSelector] = None) extends K8sUri with Product with Serializable
  20. sealed trait LabelSelector extends AnyRef

    Composable label selector

    Composable label selector

    Use the label constructor LabelSelector.Syntax.label imported through the com.coralogix.zio.k8s.client.model to define labels, and the operators defined on them to construct label selectors from them.

  21. trait Label extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  22. sealed trait ListResourceVersion extends AnyRef

    Resource version options for listing resource

    Resource version options for listing resource


  23. final case class Modified[T](item: T)(implicit evidence$2: K8sObject[T]) extends TypedWatchEvent[T] with Product with Serializable

    Existing resource modified

    Existing resource modified


    Watched resource type


    the modified object

  24. case class ObjectList[+T](metadata: Optional[ListMeta], items: List[T]) extends Product with Serializable

    Response type of the getAll operation

    Response type of the getAll operation


    Resource type


    List metadata with continuation token



  25. final case class ParsedBookmark[T](resourceVersion: String) extends ParsedWatchEvent[T] with Product with Serializable

    Bookmark event

    Bookmark event


    Resource version to bookmark

  26. final case class ParsedTypedWatchEvent[T](event: TypedWatchEvent[T]) extends ParsedWatchEvent[T] with Product with Serializable

    Parsed typed watch event

    Parsed typed watch event


    Payload type



  27. sealed trait ParsedWatchEvent[T] extends AnyRef

    Watch event with parsed payload

    Watch event with parsed payload

    This type is used internally by the watch stream. End users should use the TypedWatchEvent type instead, which does not contain the bookmark event which is transparently handled by the client.


    Payload type

  28. sealed trait PropagationPolicy extends AnyRef

    Propagation policy for resource deletion

    Propagation policy for resource deletion


  29. case class Reseted[T]() extends TypedWatchEvent[T] with Product with Serializable

    Watch stream reseted

  30. trait ResourceMetadata[T] extends AnyRef

    Resource metadata typeclass

    Resource metadata typeclass


    Resource type

  31. sealed trait TypedWatchEvent[T] extends AnyRef

    Watch events with decoded payload

    Watch events with decoded payload


    Watched resource type

Value Members

  1. def field(raw: String): Field

    Field constructor, used by the generated companion objects

    Field constructor, used by the generated companion objects

    Definition Classes
  2. def field(path: Chunk[String]): Field

    Field constructor, used by the generated companion objects

    Field constructor, used by the generated companion objects

    Definition Classes
  3. val k8sDateTimeFormatter: DateTimeFormatter
  4. def label(label: String): Label

    Defines a label

    Defines a label

    Definition Classes
  5. implicit def leftOptionalIsOption[T]: IsOption[Either[Optional[T], _]]
  6. implicit def optionalDecoder[A](implicit arg0: Decoder[A]): Decoder[Optional[A]]
  7. implicit def optionalEncoder[A](implicit arg0: Encoder[A]): Encoder[Optional[A]]
  8. implicit def optionalIsOption[T]: IsOption[Optional[T]]
  9. implicit def rightOptionalIsOption[T]: IsOption[Either[_, Optional[T]]]
  10. object FieldSelector
  11. object K8sNamespace extends Serializable
  12. object K8sObject
  13. object K8sObjectStatus
  14. object LabelSelector
  15. object ListResourceVersion
  16. object ObjectList extends Serializable
  17. object ParsedWatchEvent
  18. object PropagationPolicy

Inherited from Syntax

Inherited from Syntax

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
