Custom Resource Definition by hand
This page explains how to define manually the data model and client module for custom resources, without relying
on the zio-k8s-crd
code generator plugin.
We are going to use the Crontab example from the Kubernetes documentation.
First we define the model for our Crontab
resource. This should be a case class and it can use the zio-k8s specific Optional
for optional fields instead of standard Option
to reduce boilerplate when defining resources from code. It should have a standard
field, and optionally a status
case class Crontab(
metadata: Optional[ObjectMeta],
status: Optional[CrontabStatus],
spec: String,
image: String,
replicas: Int
case class CrontabStatus(replicas: Int, labelSelector: String)
There is a couple of type classes that has to be implemented for these data structures. First of all, it has to support being encoded to and decoded from JSON. This can be done by providing a JSON codec:
implicit val crontabCodec: Codec[Crontab] = deriveCodec
// crontabCodec: Codec[Crontab] = io.circe.generic.codec.DerivedAsObjectCodec$$anon$1@eb5feaf
implicit val crontabStatusCodec: Codec[CrontabStatus] = deriveCodec
// crontabStatusCodec: Codec[CrontabStatus] = io.circe.generic.codec.DerivedAsObjectCodec$$anon$1@74ac4c90
Note that in practice you should put each implicit in the related type's companion object.
In order to be able to use the generic functions in zio-k8s, you have to provide an instance of
the K8sObject
and K8sObjectStatus
type classes, defining how to get and manipulate the metadata
and status fields of the custom resource:
implicit val k8sObject: K8sObject[Crontab] =
new K8sObject[Crontab] {
override def metadata(obj: Crontab): Optional[ObjectMeta] = obj.metadata
override def mapMetadata(f: ObjectMeta => ObjectMeta)(r: Crontab): Crontab =
r.copy(metadata =
// k8sObject: K8sObject[Crontab] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$3@7d0b56d9
implicit val k8sObjectStatus: K8sObjectStatus[Crontab, CrontabStatus] =
new K8sObjectStatus[Crontab, CrontabStatus] {
override def status(obj: Crontab): Optional[CrontabStatus] = obj.status
override def mapStatus(f: CrontabStatus => CrontabStatus)(obj: Crontab): Crontab =
obj.copy(status =
// k8sObjectStatus: K8sObjectStatus[Crontab, CrontabStatus] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$4@2dcade43
Finally we need to provide some metadata about the resource type with the ResourceMetadata
type class:
implicit val metadata: ResourceMetadata[Crontab] = new ResourceMetadata[Crontab] {
override def kind: String = "CronTab"
override def apiVersion: String = ""
override def resourceType: model.K8sResourceType = K8sResourceType("crontabs", "", "v1")
// metadata: ResourceMetadata[Crontab] = repl.MdocSession$MdocApp$$anon$5@7a056b51
This is all we need for the model of our custom resources. The next step is creating a ZIO module for working with these resources through the Kubernetes API.
The following code snippet shows the recommended way to define these modules (crontabs
can usually defined
as a package object instead) :
object crontabs {
type Crontabs = Crontabs.Service
object Crontabs {
// Generic representation (optional)
type Generic = NamespacedResource[Crontab] with NamespacedResourceStatus[CrontabStatus, Crontab]
trait Service
extends NamespacedResource[Crontab] with NamespacedResourceStatus[CrontabStatus, Crontab]
final class Live(
override val asGenericResource: ResourceClient[Crontab, Status],
override val asGenericResourceStatus: ResourceStatusClient[CrontabStatus, Crontab]
) extends Service
val live
: ZLayer[K8sCluster with K8sBackend, Nothing, Crontabs] =
ZLayer {
for {
backend <- ZIO.service[K8sBackend]
cluster <- ZIO.service[K8sCluster]
client = new ResourceClient[Crontab, Status](metadata.resourceType, cluster, backend)
statusClient = new ResourceStatusClient[CrontabStatus, Crontab](
} yield new Live(client, statusClient)
In addition to this you can add accessor functions to the crontabs
package in the style of
def get(name: String, namespace: K8sNamespace): ZIO[Crontabs, K8sFailure, Crontab] =
ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.get(name, namespace))